“You have to understand, Carlos Santana is basically like a saint,” Miranda said during a chat at a Palazzo Suite hours before performance in “Freestyle Love Supreme” show at Sands Showroom at The Venetian. “He’s like in sainthood status in my family. That’s not even like an artist. That’s like, the portrait on the wall is next to Jesus.”

Santana was woven into our conversation from an interview in September. The House of Blues headliner said at the time he’d been up the night before, thinking about a rock musical he’s been developing, titled “Ritual.”

Santana has recorded some African-gospel pieces for the project, which his to invoke images of those who adhere to rituals, from the pope to soccer moms, as he stated.

See full original post here: https://www.msn.com/en-us/music/news/lin-manuel-miranda-says-of-santana-project-id-take-that-call/ar-AA14fgEX